Saturday, January 21, 2012

The New Year

OK.  It is a new year and a new beginning.  Like most people, I make New Years' resolutions in January and forget about them by March.  I have kept a few over the years like reading my Bible daily, playing more games with my kids, etc.   And one year I lost 50 lbs because I kept my fitness resolutions for 11 months.  Then, sadly I was diagnosed Bipolar and went on a bunch of meds and gained it all back. :-(

This year my husband and I made goals together to loose weight.  We decided to keep a log of what we eat each day and count calories.  So far he has lost 7 lbs. and I have gained 4lbs 2 oz..  Not such a good beginning for me, but I am happy for him. :-)

I would like to be on less meds by the end of the year. is another goal of mine.  Not sure exactly what that would look like or how to do it, but I do plan to talk to my psych about it.  I think I would feel less heavy by taking fewer meds.  I know people who are on a lot less and who seem to be doing fine.

Recent polls show that 50% of Americans want to spend more time with family and friends.  I like that idea.  Another poll showed that 66% of Americans are overweight.  So most of us should be spending more time getting fit. If we work out with our families and friends than we are getting double the time and energy towards meeting goals.

I also plan to finish my book.  I am calling it a devotional, but it might be more like a memoir.  Still working out the format.

I hope that all of your New Years' Resolutions are successful!

Have a great day!

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